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Credit card requirement for drivers is illegal? City must fix this problem

I think the city's requirement for drivers to accept credit card is illegal or unlawful because drivers have to pay 5% off the card charge from his own pocket to cash it.

It is an unfair practise of bussiness for drivers.
Don't you think Cab drivers have a case to sue the city regarding this?

Cabbies should not have to pay 5% off the card for cashing.
Either the city should require the passengers who use card to pay extra 5% for using card or the city should compensate drivers 5% of every card we accept.

This really seems unlawful and city must fix this problem.

Re: Credit card requirement for drivers is illegal? City must fix this problem

I agree with KST. We are expected to pay more for the same amount of money. More and more people are using credit cards but I'm getting no more fares than usual so my take home money is just less, not to mention the hassle of cashing them. We need a fare increase for this alone!