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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Mike Foulks' thesis is feces


There is a world outside of this Discussion Forum.

Anyone who post their FULL first AND last names and some more identifying and contact information can be verified.

Wolf, I speak two languages and even excelled at Russian language instruction for a few years. I am quite sure I can pronounce almost anyone's name well enough after a few attempts, Barf-gag.

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:

More non-sense in the strictest menaing of "non" and "sense."

"Courage" has nothing to do with using one's real name or or using an alias or pen name.

You might not recognize courage if it walked up to you and kicked you in the nuts brother squirrel.

Besides, how do you know that "Ahmed R. isn't his real name?

You don't. So your entire thesis is feces.

Maybe he doesn't "reveal" his sir name out of kindness to you -- to save you the embarrassment of pronouncing it wrong, like an ignorant ass.

Maybe your name means "ignorant ass" in his language....

Re: Re: Re: Mike Foulks Responds to Ahmed R.

Peter Enger,

In the post which George made a "sticky" and then Ahmed R. replied to, he referred to "his" group, UTCC.

Maybe if you actually had a published record of your membership, I wouldn't have to rely on his or your word of who exacttly is in the UTCC.

Maybe you are the one who is "so wrong" about Ahmed R.'s affiliation. Maybe you should join my call to ask everyone on this site to post their first and last names and some contact information about them so we all have a chance to verify their identity and ignore the people playing games with the truth and this discussion forum.

That's one thing I respect about you, Peter Enger. Don't let me catch you posting under aliases like Wolf Weiss and few other underhanded types.

Peter, you are entitled to your opinion about me. But, you are expecting respect from the City and others based on your represenation. Why do you disrespect the members of the CCO (all Chicago cabdrivers, unlike the UTCC) who selected me as one of their representatives? Seems hypocritical to me.

Are you associating with Yi Tang, Donald Nathan, and Wolf Weiss, who are all guilty of the "crime" of using provocative language you charge me with?

As far as I know, Ahmed R. is the Easter Bunny. Even when he proves that he is a Chicago cabdriver, he is simply one of 10,000 plus. I think it's quite ludicrous for you to expect me to respond to your "(de)constructive" criticism when both of you have failed to participate in anything I've done or include me in anything you've done DESPITE MY REPEATED ATTEMPTS TO DO SO!!!

You are as much an elitist snob as whatever degree of obnoxiousness you wish to judge me as. And you aren't as smart or popular as you have thought. You and John Rees can start that club.

The real difference between me and you, Peter Enger and Ahmed R., is that I am formally willing to work with you regualrly while you rely on your informality and irregularity to continually attack me because you simply do not have the support of the average Chicago cabdriver I have had for years and have worked to gather and prove.

And that seems to threaten you and others' deluded fantasies and fears that they must be the only ones to politicize and activate Chicago cabdrivers.

If you can't get Chicago cabdrivers to endorse you and your ideas by running in the CCO election, how do expect Manny Flores or any other sympathetic Alderman to take you seriously and entertain supporting Chicago cabdrivers when you can't deliver your end of the bargain?

It's time to get real, Peter Enger and a few other "UTCC" "steering committee" members.

We don't have time to waste waiting for you guys to post your by-laws or have an election. All we say is, hurry up and get your group together and get over trying to sabotage or ignore the rest of us out here.

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:

mr. foulks,

you have gotten it so wrong. mr. ahmed is not associated with the UTCC. but he does seem to have come to the same conclusions about your leadership capabilities that i and many others have. your manner, tone, and disrespectful language you exhibit does not befit a leader. i too would never want to associate with someone who talks about other human beings the way you do. every human deserves respect, whether you like them or not, whether you agree or disagree with their politics or behaviors or not. you seem to have some kind of juvenile fixation with name calling as political discourse. it is not. and it does not win you any respect from those you wish to organize or lead. mr. ahmed seems to have caught on to you pretty quickly as i haven't seen him on here before. he is representative of your target voters and members, mike. you should listen to his criticism and try to comport yourself more respectfully and with more dignity.

Re: Re: Mike Foulks Responds to Ahmed R.

Mike Foulks quote/posting #1 on a yahoo web site near the end of April 2008 "The second petition which Wolf refers to was filed ultimately by me. It was a
lot more than 1,100...nearly double...almost 2,000 Chicago cabdrivers."

-Mike Foulks

Jim4Safety@... wrote:
Forwarded Message:
Subj: Saying "NO" to Taxi Surcharge - Cabbies File Suit Date: 4/25/2008
2:39:39 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time From: _zybarwulf@..._
(mailto:zybarwulf@...) To: _Jim4Safety@..._
(mailto:Jim4Safety@...) Sent
from the Internet _(Details)_ (aolmsg://0784d0a8/inethdr/2)

Chicago drivers submitted a petition signed by over 1,100 drivers, for a
temporary surcharge last June and the Transportation Committee said "No
surcharge." Alderman Allen said they saw rising fuel prices and general
inflation as
a temporary "seasonal spike." end of #1

Posting #2 a few weeks later on this site "It's too bad you have yet to tell me where you read (or heard) that I'm "taking credit for the gas surcharge". Maybe you should speak to me more directly and quit believeing everything you read or hear. I am the most vocal opponent of the gas surcharge."

We need a fare increase. What's you or UTCC's opinion of the "gas surcharge"?

-Mike Foulks

WELL MIKE, It seems like you speak with a forked toungue. Above is the text you posted on another web site taking credit for the second surcharge petition, the one that got the current surcharge. In a recent posting here you say you are opposed to the surcharge and are in fact the most vocal opponent. My only regret is that most of the voters will not get to see this information. Do you have any objection if I print it and post it in the restaurant? If you want to deny this I can post the actual links to the yahoo site. Again, please improve and I will say that it is a shame that you just seem to say, or in this case write, what you think the voters want to hear.

As far as self respect goes, I do not want to get too critical here. Lets just say that I have yet to see a great leader(other than maybe a hells angels biker) appear in public like you do. A great leader in my opinion starts by taking care of himself/herself so he/she can help others. A great leader looks presentable and does not speak out of both sides of his/ her mouth. I know you will deny the posts, but I can provide timelines, links and other proof. This is why I have asked you previously in this forum to take a step back and regroup. How can you expect to gain anyones trust this way?

Re: Re: Re: Mike Foulks Responds to Ahmed R.

Ahmed R.,

There is no "forked tongue"; you are simply mistaken.

I filed the "second petition" last summer for a FARE INCREASE, with nearly 2,000 signatures from Chicago cabdrivers which was collected by MANY, MANY, different people and ended up in my hands after an incident which I will let others explain if they care to.

The earlier "first petition", I had NOTHING to do with; that was the only one that asked for a "temporary surcharge".

THIRDLY, the "gas surcharge" was a ORDINANCE PROPOSAL, from Mayor Daley this spring.

Ahmed R., why don't we meet at Zaiqa and I can show you a CERTIFIED copy of the petition I filed and the time/date receipt I signed that was stamped by the City Clerk?

I can even show you who collected which signatures.

If you post what you seem to be claiming here, you will only be giving cabdrivers misinformation; it is you will appear to have a "forked tongue".

It is you who needs to improve your understanding of the facts. There was no "second petition" for a "surcharge" of any kind.

I hope you can humbly see where you have made a mistake. If you still don't see how, let me know. I'll either show you in person or explain it further here.

I also hope you are starting to understand that I don't lie. Please post the entire previous post/quote by Wolf Weiss on the Yahoo site; if I remember right, he wasn't reporting the events as accurately as I was when I corrected/elaborated his briefer, incomplete statement.

Ahmed R., this is why I already have peoples' trust.

Why are you again asking me to "step back and regroup"?

Again you start in with general comments about my appearance but not anything specific. What purpose does that serve?

When have I ever denied a post or timeline or "other proof"? You say you know I will...don't you mean you "hope" I will? Sorry to disappoint you, but you are in error.

I think you are bordering on owing me an apology after you go back and verify the this post carefully. Don't make a fool of yourself.

I am glad we are here now and want to thank you and show some respect for your obvious interest and your research. I wish more were like you...I know that there have been many lies and false rumors spread which others just find easier to believe without question.

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:

Mike Foulks quote/posting #1 on a yahoo web site near the end of April 2008 "The second petition which Wolf refers to was filed ultimately by me. It was a
lot more than 1,100...nearly double...almost 2,000 Chicago cabdrivers."

-Mike Foulks

Jim4Safety@... wrote:
Forwarded Message:
Subj: Saying "NO" to Taxi Surcharge - Cabbies File Suit Date: 4/25/2008
2:39:39 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time From: _zybarwulf@..._
(mailto ybarwulf@...) To: _Jim4Safety@..._
(mailto:Jim4Safety@...) Sent
from the Internet _(Details)_ (aolmsg://0784d0a8/inethdr/2)

Chicago drivers submitted a petition signed by over 1,100 drivers, for a
temporary surcharge last June and the Transportation Committee said "No
surcharge." Alderman Allen said they saw rising fuel prices and general
inflation as
a temporary "seasonal spike." end of #1

Posting #2 a few weeks later on this site "It's too bad you have yet to tell me where you read (or heard) that I'm "taking credit for the gas surcharge". Maybe you should speak to me more directly and quit believeing everything you read or hear. I am the most vocal opponent of the gas surcharge."

We need a fare increase. What's you or UTCC's opinion of the "gas surcharge"?

-Mike Foulks

WELL MIKE, It seems like you speak with a forked toungue. Above is the text you posted on another web site taking credit for the second surcharge petition, the one that got the current surcharge. In a recent posting here you say you are opposed to the surcharge and are in fact the most vocal opponent. My only regret is that most of the voters will not get to see this information. Do you have any objection if I print it and post it in the restaurant? If you want to deny this I can post the actual links to the yahoo site. Again, please improve and I will say that it is a shame that you just seem to say, or in this case write, what you think the voters want to hear.

As far as self respect goes, I do not want to get too critical here. Lets just say that I have yet to see a great leader(other than maybe a hells angels biker) appear in public like you do. A great leader in my opinion starts by taking care of himself/herself so he/she can help others. A great leader looks presentable and does not speak out of both sides of his/ her mouth. I know you will deny the posts, but I can provide timelines, links and other proof. This is why I have asked you previously in this forum to take a step back and regroup. How can you expect to gain anyones trust this way?