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Limo drivers are stealing fares. they pick people in downtown illegally!

I am tired of seeing limos picking passengers on streets illegally all the time.
They are not picking up their guests but those passengers who are looking for cabs in downtown.
Just today, I saw a white limno picking up bunch of people on ILLINOIS & DEARBORN.

The ladies were outside the street talking and Limo was stopping at a corner at a redlight. one of the lady talked to the limo driver about if he would pick them up and later she shouted to her freinds to jump in the limo looking happy.

The limo driver wasn't supposed to pick up fares that are meant to be picked up by Chicago cab drivers.
It doesn't matter even if the ladies asked for a fare ride.

I took down the limi plate number but unfortunately, i lost the paper slip which has the limo's plate number.
I 'd have file a compliant with the city by calling 311.
This is a theft by the limos. They are illegally picking up cab fares in downtown area.
People will prefer limo over cab but limo don't have license and it's illegal for them to pick up cab fares in the city.

This is a serious matter and all cab drivers when ever you see limos picking cab fares in downtown must write the number of the limo and call 311 or file a complaint with the city.
They hurt our bussiness. We must not stay idle over this.

Pls report limo cab fare stealing problem to City.

Re: Limo drivers are stealing fares. they pick people in downtown illegally!

Go to the Marriotti. That place is full of them rip-off limos. DCS Needs to investing them limos, And, Airport Express at all the hotels in Chicago.

Re: Re: Limo drivers are stealing fares. they pick people in downtown illegally!

This sounds like a job for the long-eared dynamic duo...

- Donkey Boy and his ward Ola Shalom -
grime busting, crime denying cabbie heroes extraordinaire,
who, with a simple "hee" and a "haw" and "ola" and a "shalom"
can beat obstruction of traffic tickets
and put "ear" in the hearts of hEARing officers everywhere!

See if you can get Long Ears, and his trusted and faithful sidekick Ola, to kick a few of those limo drivers out of there.

The limo companies pay off the city to look the other way so we have to take the law into our own hands and get Long Ears and Ola to make a few hoof print dents in those stretched out gas guzzlers.

Just tell Long Ears they are stealing his hay! He will threaten to kill them if they don't "hay him off."

By the way, the organized CCC drivers want nothing to do with Donkey Boy and his imaginary Ola.

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Go to the Marriotti. That place is full of them rip-off limos. DCS Needs to investing them limos, And, Airport Express at all the hotels in Chicago.