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Re: George !.You should explain it.

If yow want to know who guess who is, that for me to know and you to find out.

It's George's office and he can have anything he wants. That's his business.

I've read all of George's, and I never found anything insulting from his messages. When George had a radio show, George was very angry after a caller to his show told him most cabdrivers are third world thrash. George defended the cabdrivers and had the caller apologize. So give George credit for that.

If your the kind of person who feels that we all should get along, then talk to George. If George says anything that you don't agree with, be a man and tell him that you object to what he says. Is that a problem? You only make it a problem for yourself for not personally standing up to him, and you lose your credability calling him names and talking behind his back. You're no man if you can't stand up to George.

To Guess who.

I don't need to who you are. But I need Georeg's answer. From now on, whatever you said I ignore it and I do not need any of credibility from George because he was breaking up to me and other person still we do not know why he did wrong attitude. That's all. I hope Guess who is not George.

Guess who! Even you wrote you do not find any wrong, that is your intelligent problem. No knowledge is not a guilty, that's why I will pardon you whatever you said.


Re: To Guess who.

George is still not negetive towards anybody, and if you don't like it, too bad! Go jump in the lake and take your crazy group with you.

Re: George !.You should explain it.

Steve, he's pulling your leg. I don't audio record people without their knowledge.

I haven't asked him to reveal his identity because he hasn't made material allegations about anyone to the best of my knowledge. If you believe he has, please point them out so I can address them.

I hope this clears things up.


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Replying to:

The below content was posted by 'Guess who?'.I do not know his real name. But his content ,which was posted ,make a curiousity to me.

"I had a wireless michrophone hooked up at George's office and heard everything George said at my house."
This is what he said in this forum.

George! you should explain my question for guess who's quote.

1. Do you have a concealed microphone for all of visitor in your office? If his mention means a bug from your office with him, I do not undestand how you can do this.

2. How he can say "I was there in the meeting with me" as he did not there as in a fact?

3. Why you do not ask him to use his real name in this forum? As I remember, you did it to sevral person already. Why you allow him behind of your butt and use diffrent attitude comparing to others? Where is your moral creteria?

I hope you would explain it very details or 'Guess who' who related with you would make a truth.

Steve Kim

To George

Your message is cleare.