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Open letter to George. My last posting in this forum

George, This is my last posting in here.After this posting, you will not see my post anymore.

I believe You and I did not met with the purpose to against each other at first. So I will explain you why I will not post in this forum any more, and this letter to also everybody.

My last posting isn't casued by your new rule which was not justificated by your moral foundation, and also it isn't caused by any other person who do not agree my idea. All of argument in here has the reason from each other's view point. And I do not want to blame it also.

And also I pardon you already what you mistake to me before. To be honest with you, I do not mind it seriously.

The main reason why I will not post in here any more is that all of the truth will be openned to everybody even if you may try to block it. And also I gurantee you that you will not be in the main stream of taxi driver's movement as I understand. Actually, you already is not a person who is in the main stream. It did not caused by other person. I will tell you it was chosen by yourself.

I know you do not want to recognize you are the out sider. But truth is truth. For this matter, I will not blame you. Because it was done by your existency's decision whatever you has the reason.

You can attack to UTCC as you did in your paper. You can ignore UTCC's activity. You can twist the fact as you did. However, you have to understand all of your action will expose your name as a mean-person,and that will prove it by yourself.

George, take a great picture if you want be a man. If you try to be a out-sider, finally you will loose your honor. And you can find no one left in your side in a soon. That is not a far from this moment.

Still you may have a chance to be part of great picture. It is up to you and don't be late. You should take care of the honor by yourself.

Goodbye, George.

Steve Kim.

Re: Open letter to George. My last posting in this forum

George did endorse Mike and the CCO previously. I still remember the Dispatcher picture of Mike in the CCO meeting room in Chinatown. George put a nice quote below the picture telling all that Mike was available there to meet with drivers that had issues or were in need of help. It would seem that George ended up choosing a group of one to endorse.

It really is a shame that the members of the UTCC board and George couldn't see eye to eye. Am I the only one that formed an opinion that George was driving only to get the next story? I believe this lead to a lack of trust between the parties involved.

My words to Steve Kim: Keep up the good work. Your organization will have the ability to help all of us greatly someday if you continue. I hope the safety placards will end up being only the start of your groups work. Remember there is strength in numbers. My hope is that more will understand and participate in the movement. I still hope as you do that George will be a part of the picture. I hope your writings will help him clear his vision about the current situation.

Lastly, a man or two in a sea like this city doesn't stand a chance of doing anything. My true hope is that we can all unite to get decent rates of fare and decent conditions to work in. What will it take to do this?

Re: Re: picture of Mike in the CCO group of one

AND WHO WAS IN THE PICTURE WITH HIM to show his support?

It was NOT the imaginary Ola Shalom.

It was CPTDA Board Member MR. SALEEM Q.

And MF stabs him in the back by insinuating there is something slimey about the CPTDA.

I doubt that Mike and Geo have what it takes to put tgether an organization that can raise $20K or more just to get started.

No one ever has in the history of the taxi driver organizing, accept one, Mr. Prateek Sampat and the Taxi Workers Organizing Project, with the generous help and support from American Friends Service Committee and other associated organizations.

These are people one can trust to do right by the drivers - unless you happen to Mike Foulks, who does not trust anyone who may want to do good for the drivers.


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Replying to:

George did endorse Mike and the CCO previously. I still remember the Dispatcher picture of Mike in the CCO meeting room in Chinatown. George put a nice quote below the picture telling all that Mike was available there to meet with drivers that had issues or were in need of help. It would seem that George ended up choosing a group of one to endorse.

It really is a shame that the members of the UTCC board and George couldn't see eye to eye. Am I the only one that formed an opinion that George was driving only to get the next story? I believe this lead to a lack of trust between the parties involved.

My words to Steve Kim: Keep up the good work. Your organization will have the ability to help all of us greatly someday if you continue. I hope the safety placards will end up being only the start of your groups work. Remember there is strength in numbers. My hope is that more will understand and participate in the movement. I still hope as you do that George will be a part of the picture. I hope your writings will help him clear his vision about the current situation.

Lastly, a man or two in a sea like this city doesn't stand a chance of doing anything. My true hope is that we can all unite to get decent rates of fare and decent conditions to work in. What will it take to do this?

Re: Re: Re: picture of Mike in the CCO group of one /Slimy ones

Sure there is something slimy according to Mike. In fact almost all that Mike knows are slime. Slime because they figured this madman out and slid away from him. CC-0