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How exactly would having felons allow the City to question our "credibility"?

"Fatlu Hall",

How exactly would having felons allow the City to question our "credibility"?

You are arguing something so abstract that your intended meaning isn't very clear.

"Credibility" as to what?

If the cabdrivers who are felons can't vote in their union, then the union might not be legitimate.

If the a cabdriver who happens to be a felon is elected but then "removed", the same problems of legitimacy would erupt.

It seems that what you want is a "social club", "Fatlu Hall".

The CCO isn't a "social club". It is open to every current Chicago cabdriver who wants to join - felon or otherwise.

You would need almost the entire contemplated elected leadership to agree with you.

I don't think that this is a "popular issue" among our fellow cabdrivers. They don't really care about this even half as much as they do about Mr. Budzynski's boycott of the food stand at O'Hare.

A Class 4 felony conviction for "telephone harassment" has got to be one of the least serious Class 4 felonies there is.

A Class 4 felony in of itself is in the least serious category of felonies.

I can't imagine a less serious crime that is a Class 4 felony than telephone harassment...can you?

As to the "judge in Rolling Meadows branding (me)", I am not that concerned about an incompetent and corrupted judge of the Cook County judiciary wrongfully convicting me. This sort of thing is a real problem in our neck of the woods.

This is the same judge who placed a sane man into Mental Health Probation without an examination, after violating many other rules of proper procedure.

I won't be a convicted felon forever, I'm sure.

-Mike Foulks

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However, I think that the elected leadership could, in fact, remove felons from the membership- Mike Foulks.

This being said, I would have to believe the new leadership will do it. Once progress in this battle against the city is made, the city would be sure to bring up the felons in the organization to try to bring the organizations credibility into question. The New CCO will not be able to take a chance with this kind of people. I don't think the city hires people with felonies to certain positions either. The judge in Rolling Meadows branded you sir.