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Re: Stoneleigh

I'm quite a new member of only a couple of years standing but I feel the need to say something in the clubs defense. In my experience of clubs both pre war post war kit and activity based the NG club has been the most welcoming and encouraging club I have ever had the pleasure of being a member of. The Stratford event is a credit to the club and the Welsh rally great fun.

Please don't knock what you have - treasure it!


Re: Stoneleigh


I agree with your comments, as well as my NG I have a 1965 Sprite and a 1985 Rover SD1 Vitesse, I have joined and left both owners clubs, the day I left the MASC (Midget and Sprite Club) was while at a pub meet, we had a member turn up in his MGB instead of a Spridget, then when another member turned up in a Spridget the MGB owner was asked to move his MGB "as it wasn't a Spridget" - this petty minded behaviour sealed my decision to leave, the SD1 owners were even worse they have a massive web forum, the longest and most active thread ? - what type of air freshener !!!

So I am not complaining about the NG OC, but we are discussing how we get more people to Stoneleigh, I suggested moving the NGOC Rally, not because I have issue with the current setup other than I don't camp or caravan, so I won't be camping at Stoneleigh or the rally and simply suggested it because if we combined them then at Stoneleigh we would have one of the largest groups of cars there, if it was as bad this year as last then getting 10 cars their would have made us one of the largest groups after the cobras and sevens.


Maybe we start a countdown to Stoneleigh thread in February next year ?

Re: Stoneleigh


I am in no way criticizing the club. I have attended the national rally for years since my children were very small. The Stratford event is a superb event and I really enjoy the many national rallies that have been held there. There is a lot of behind the scenes organisation that goes into the event to make it run as smoothly as it does for the benefit of the membership.

I have seen the amount of effort that goes into making the national rally such a success and it saddens me that more people don't support it. Again Bob and Manda were always at Stoneleigh flying the flag for the club. When you arrived there you were always welcomed with a hot cuppa which is spot on after a chilly journey as it sometimes could be.

The club is very friendly and inclusive but planned events are not well supported by the membership. Why? There are many cars out there( possibly over 1500) but they are rarely seen at events. There were lots of Cobra's and Lotus 7's of various marques at Stoneleigh this year but only 5 NG's that attended over the whole weekend. Does anyone know why they rarely attend events?

It would be really good to get a record number of cars attending the national rally this year. Has anyone any ideas how to achieve this??