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Welcome to the NG Owners Club Forum.

This forum is intended for members of the NGOC, if you are not a member
please consider joining  it only costs £15 a year...

The views & comments expressed on this forum are the views and comments of the person that posted them. The NG owners club does not take any responsibility for any views or comments made on the forum. The NG owners club reserves the right to remove any posting from the forum.

NG Owners Club Forum
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Automotive jewelry

Is your car regularly driven or automotive jewelry that just sits in the garage like a driveway queen?

It doesn't really matter which but there is a golden opportunity to take your car out for a spin, blow the cobwebs away with a grin and meet fellow enthusiasts at the National rally. The date this year is the 4th to the 6th July at Stratford upon Avon.

Even if your car is not on the road you will be made welcome and it is an ideal opportunity to discuss any technical issues you have with experienced club members.

An owners club car rally might not be the easiest thing to persuade family not quite so interested in cars to come to but there is plenty to do in nearby Stratford and various family friendly activities planned during the weekend(The youngest attendee at a national rally so far was just a few weeks old).

The details and registration form for the rally are in the last club magazine. You don't have to be a member to attend but please be aware that there will be a charge to non-members attending.

If you need further information please refer to your last club magazine or feel free to ask a question on this forum. Alternatively email me directly and I will try and help answer your questions.

Please try and attend so we can get a good number of cars there....


Paul B