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Oxfordshire kit car meeting

There is a regular kitcar meeting held on the:

2nd Thursday of each month
7pm onwards at
The Black Horse
Gozzards Ford
OX13 6JH

This meeting is organized by the Chiltern 7's club but I have spoken to the organizer and they are more than happy to have any kit-car's there so NG's are very welcome. Normal attendance is about 10-12 cars of various makes. The maximum number of NG's attending last year was 3 so it would be good to get a few more there this year on a regular basis.


Paul B

Re: Oxfordshire kit car meeting

Sadly no takers from the Oxfordshire NG owners. Only about 8-10 cars attending, mostly seven type cars but various marques. Engines ranged from bike engined to V8. Also a very tidy GKD there that is up for sale.

Food in the pub was good and 'T' shirt weather there and back so quite a pleasant evening out....

Put it in your diary for next month Thursday 10th July



Re: Oxfordshire kit car meeting

Meeting happening this Thursday 10th July......