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V8 Gearbox & Clutch Problem


Does anyone know whether it is possible to change the clutch on a TC V8 without having to take the engine out. ? i.e. Is there enough clearance to drop the gearbox leaving the engine in place enabling a new clutch to be fitted without too much hassle?

Re: V8 Gearbox & Clutch Problem


It's either body off or bonnet+radiator+cowling and side panels off. I had to replace my TD V8 engine and gearbox a couple of years ago. I did the latter and removed the engine and gearbox up and over the front of the chassis.
That's the joy of a compact british sports car! Not much consolation - but at least it's just a clutch change. My engine broke a con rod and that was the end of the engine. Lifting gear etc needed to do a safe and decent job.