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Recommendations needed for someone to finish a job on a TC

I've run out of time to finish a project I started on my V8 TC. Could anyone recommend a specialist in Hampshire or Berkshire who could fit/get working a speedo, oil temp, oil pressure, water temp & fuel sensors to a set of new smiths instruments?

kind regards


Re: Recommendations needed for someone to finish a job on a TC

After talking to a few people and visiting a few garages, I entrusted my NG to RPM sportscars in Poole. It came back with all gauges working perfectly and a number of other issues rectified. Steve who runs the place, is very knowledgable about all things kit related and knows exactly how to completely strip down & rebuild front & rear suspension systems on TC's. A few new parts were needed some of which he got specially manufactured as they aren't available from MG suppliers. I came away with a million and one extra tips and advice on how to keep the car running sweetly.