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Seatbelt anchor points for NG TD

I acquired a TD almost 12 months ago which was in need of some TLC. Have sorted most of the mechanical issues, new rear hubs, new clutch and brake hydraulics etc etc and have enjoyed some good runs over the summer - even if I did need the roof up at times!
Now the time has come to turn my attention to the interior - I have some new seats to fit, new carpet and thought I would replace the old static belts with a nice new pair of inertia reels. It was then I discovered I had been driving round with seatbelts that were anchored into the glass fibre body shell and not much else! Please can someone advise me where the seatbelts should be anchored.
On my car I have discovered that the reel itself could be bolted through the chassis where it rises to pass over the rear axle. The bolts that hold the bump stops could be used. There is also a point at the outside of each seat where I could attach the other end of the seatbelt. Bolts pass through the chassis at this point to hold a bracket for side steps.
The only other anchor point I need therefore is for the stalks/clips in the centre. At present these are bolted through the glass fibre body only at each side of the tunnel as far back as they will go. I wouldn't have thought this is secure enough. Where do others have their stalks anchored? I can't see any solid places to attach the stalks.
Thanks in advance, Chris

Re: Seatbelt anchor points for NG TD

Hi Chris. As you consider the next step regarding seat belt anchorage may I suggest that you consider fitting a roll-bar at the same time. I have a son-in-law who had risen to director in a very well known international company and had life by the tail. Having bought my daughter an MGF while living in Switzerland he lost it on a bend and rolled it twice with them both aboard. As a result he is now paralized down the left side and is in a wheel-chair for the rest of his life. He was just 40 at the time. A few hundred pounds could have meant so much difference. All good wishes, David

Re: Re: Seatbelt anchor points for NG TD

Davids suggestion about using a roll over bar is a good one if you wish to go down that route. If so it would be worth looking at the seat belt arrangement in an SVA approved TC. This puts the inertial reel in the centre and stalk on the outside. Sounds a little odd in conventional terms, but actually works very well, is easy to use and most importantly, comfortable.

On the standard set up the centre stalks usually have a flat strip hoop under the tunnel area with two captive nuts on them that the seat belt stalks bolt through to. Alternatively, you could upgrade the chassis with the SVA cross members. You should also look at fitting the shoulder bracket to the seats if they are NG items. A little extra gusseting is required, but they have prooved to be strong enough to pass pull tests. Again you really need to study some SVA approved TF/ D's