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Software calculations for Brake System Design Analysis

Dear brake Engineers,

for many years I have taught brake design and safety for SAE International using my SAE book "Brake Design and Safety" now in its third edition. While teaching, Franco Gamero (former GM-engineer) and I have developed the software required for the proper and safety-based design of hydraulic brake systems, following the proven methodologies discussed in the book including design of master cylinder, booster, prop valves,braking in a turn, braking efficiency for straight-line and braking in a turn, thermal analysis of brakes.

One of the fundamental question is, if your ABS system failed, is your underlying brake system still safe? Portions of this program can also be used for off-road for designing brakes of ATVs and motorcycles.

If anybody out there in the braking world is interested in obtaining a copy of the software at a cost of 450.00 US$, please e-mail Rudy Limpert at and I will contact you with more details.


Rudy Limpert, Ph.D.