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Re: Def words...pathological if it's habitual

Looks like somebody nailed our boy right on the head!

"It's only pathological if it's a habitual:"

Often destructive criticism comes from persons who are envious, cruel and those who [make judgments] in fields which are not their own.

PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE PERSONALITY DISORDER (also called NEGATIVISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER) is a personality disorder said to be marked by a pervasive pattern of negative attitudes and passive, usually disavowed resistance in interpersonal or occupational situations.

On that point, Cecil Adams writes:

Merely being passive-aggressive isn't a disorder but a behavior — sometimes a perfectly rational behavior, which lets you dodge unpleasant chores while avoiding confrontation.

It's only pathological if it's a habitual, crippling response reflecting a pervasively pessimistic attitude.

When the behaviors are part of a person's personality disorder or personality style, repercussions are not usually immediate, but instead accumulate over time as the individuals affected by the person come to recognize the disavowed aggression coming from that person.


Foulks ill wishes are noted

"Donald Nathan's obituary is one of the few I hope to read soon. He's the "walking dead" once his sham legal work gets worked over by the City."

It is evident that you would wish for the defeat of "The Magnificent Seven" because of your personal animus for me. You, sir, are suffering from something pathological if you would hope for the City to emerge victorious in the lawsuit pending before Judge Epstein.

That ill-will is not going to be missed by most people. Most of them are going to realize that your dislike of me would make you hope the City wins the right to triple fines at 400 West Superior, reduces fares to Burbank and Skokie from the airports, gives you table scraps and leaves you no hope of serious fare increases.

You are a troubled man. We just pity you.

Donald Nathan

Re: Foulks ill wishes are noted...Mike Foulks replies

Mr. Nathan,

Thank you for so concisely proving why Chicago cabdrivers have no faith to place in your "free" legal ad-ventures:

You are out of touch with reality.

I want the surcharge ordinance repealed and replaced with a real fare increase. That is quite clear to anyone paying enough attention. Why not you?

For you to suggest otherwise shows how you are either unwilling to accept responsibility for your previous failures...the source of my skepticism and "personal animus"...or you are deliberately attempting to defame your strongest critic (an elected leader of cabdrivers you claim you want to help) in an pre-emptive, distracting defense against the likeliest outcome of this current joke- a lawsuit dismissed entirely or adjudicated far short of our desires.

For you to ludicrously go on to suggest that I hope that the City "wins" anything detrimental to me or my fellow cabdrivers because of you and that there is "no hope of a serious fare increase" without you shows how over-inflated you have valued yourself and how little you care for the truth or the trust that other cabdrivers have placed in me.

If this is any example of the faulty logic or ad hominem tactics you are going to use to build an argument in favor of your seven cabdriving clients, it is you who is in serious trouble and I pity them.

Your probable failure with this lawsuit will be your last legal ad-venture with Chicago cabdrivers in a group of any representative size.

I can guarantee that outcome in the "court of cabdriver opinion", counselor.

There are a lot of lawyers out there, Mr. Nathan. One usually gets what one pays for. We don't have much need for the likes of you.

I wish you luck. It seems you really are going to need some.

It a shame that you obviously want to be involved in more than just providing your free legal services when asked to do so and you have become entangled in the political conflicts of others with personal interests of your own. If not for that, perhaps I could have caught the serious factual errors contained in your initial filing before you filed it (and the same could be said of many more of us) for what is worth.

Maybe others are too blind or ignorant to address your shortcomings or question your motives, but I'm here to keep you honest, if that's possible.

Tread more carefully in the future, Mr. Nathan. It does wonders to help you sleep better. It seems that your brain isn't hitting on all cylinders. I hope that all you are lacking right now is sleep.

My doubts are serious, well-founded, and not as "personal" as you suggest.

You are not a serious psychologist; you are simply a loud-mouthed lawyer looking for fame and/or fortune.

I'm not buying what you are selling and I don't think the Court will either. That's my honest opinion, take it or leave it.

Shut up and start doing your job properly, Jackass.

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:

"Donald Nathan's obituary is one of the few I hope to read soon. He's the "walking dead" once his sham legal work gets worked over by the City."

It is evident that you would wish for the defeat of "The Magnificent Seven" because of your personal animus for me. You, sir, are suffering from something pathological if you would hope for the City to emerge victorious in the lawsuit pending before Judge Epstein.

That ill-will is not going to be missed by most people. Most of them are going to realize that your dislike of me would make you hope the City wins the right to triple fines at 400 West Superior, reduces fares to Burbank and Skokie from the airports, gives you table scraps and leaves you no hope of serious fare increases.

You are a troubled man. We just pity you.

Donald Nathan

You are welcome to the last word

Mr. Foulks:

You are welcome to your opinions. I see no point in responding to your criticisms and ill-wishes the further. All recognize where you are coming from and understand what you are all about.

Your motives are not evil, but the enmity you radiate toward others makes you impossible to work with as an ally. It's like you have some sort of personality B.O. that cannot be tolerated by people of ordinary sensibility.

There are those who are immune to it, I'm sure - others who actually like it. I just shake my head at the thought, but I'm not going to deal with it. I had stopped postings back in January realizing they made no sense. Engaging with you serves no purpose. It is demeaning of me as a professional.

Any further diatribes by you directed at me will be taken as rantings into the breeze unless others choose to respond.

Why all of a sudden, Donald Nathan??? Hmmm...

Mr. Nathan,

Interesting how you post this ultimate vow of "not responding to Mike Foulks" a few hours before you post your "progress" on the "Insignificant So-Fars" lawsuit.

Me thinks your motives are more of your own "evil".

Nonetheless, I will be ready to point out the pointlessness of your "progressive" legal folly in due time.

If you choose not to respond, it will be obvious to "all" that your attacks on my character (baseless or otherwise) and vows of "silence" do nothing to defend legitimate criticisms of your conduct.

You are simply a self-interested lawyer, a bad one at that.

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:

Mr. Foulks:

You are welcome to your opinions. I see no point in responding to your criticisms and ill-wishes the further. All recognize where you are coming from and understand what you are all about.

Your motives are not evil, but the enmity you radiate toward others makes you impossible to work with as an ally. It's like you have some sort of personality B.O. that cannot be tolerated by people of ordinary sensibility.

There are those who are immune to it, I'm sure - others who actually like it. I just shake my head at the thought, but I'm not going to deal with it. I had stopped postings back in January realizing they made no sense. Engaging with you serves no purpose. It is demeaning of me as a professional.

Any further diatribes by you directed at me will be taken as rantings into the breeze unless others choose to respond.

Re: Defending my Foulks' Foolishness

When you're not so busy defending your abject foolishness and absolute ineptitude in almost everything except bad-mouthing and dis-ing people, post the ******* results of the ******* bull**** election.

I heard there were only two votes, one for the NARCISSIST and one for the PSYCHOPATH.

At least the other organizations that you love to deride and ridicule have real board members and plans and objectives.

Re: Re: Defending my Foulks' Foolishness

You "heard" wrong...where do you get your information from?

Nobody voted for NARCISSIST or PSYCHOPATH. If they did, I would have contacted Wolfgang Weiss and congratulated him by his real name once and again using one of his many aliases. He and himself could alternate his (their?) appearances at CCO meetings and really be on the way to attaining some of the overstated power or influence he imagines or hopes to have.

There were just under fifty votes. There were almost a dozen names written in. I "won". I have yet to make an "official statement" or get a consensus of the election results by talking to all of the people whose names were written in to determine their desire to actually participate any further.

By the rules, there is no regular meeting scheduled until June 4th.

-Mike Foulks

P.S. Thanks for all the kind words about my letter to the editor published recently in the Tribune. Your support is very encouraging. It a shame that some jealously see this as "reason" to ridicule and motivates them to attack me personally. Perhaps if they did more real work helping cabdrivers they'd get the results and recognition they obviously crave and can't stand for others to have.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

When you're not so busy defending your abject foolishness and absolute ineptitude in almost everything except bad-mouthing and dis-ing people, post the ******* results of the ******* bull**** election.

I heard there were only two votes, one for the NARCISSIST and one for the PSYCHOPATH.

At least the other organizations that you love to deride and ridicule have real board members and plans and objectives.

Re: Re: Re: Defending my Foulks' Foolishness

Hey Mikey!

I checked this "Loki LaMat" out for you. You are going to freak. This is bad. Very bad.

"Loki" is "The Father of Fools" in Norse mythology. Very bad. evil incarnate.

"Le Mat" is from French legend and literature translated to English it is "The Fool" related to the character on the tarot cards, which symbolizes unbridled, uncouth youth; numerically "Zero" or "Null" the position between positive and negative forces, at the balance between good and evil. Very bad. A very bad sign.

According to a tarot card reading of the events referred to herein, you have the following in, around, above, below, about and following you everywhere:

Acham - the demon of Thursday; Alrinach - demon of tranpostation wrecks; Anamalech - the demon of bad news; Andras - the demon of discord; Aquiel - the demon of Sunday; Arachula - evil spirit in the air; Ardad - demon that leads travelers astray; Ascaroth - demon of spies and informers; Asmodeus (aka Abaddon) is The Destroyer; Astaroth - one of the Chief Devils; Bechet - the demon of Friday; Braathwaate - demon of Ignorance; Bucon - the demon of Hatred; Byleth - one of the Kings of Hell; Cheitan - demon born of Smoke; Legassa - demon of Hypocrisy; Tenebrion - Spirit of Darkness.

I don't know (with) what you've been fooling around, but you need an exorcism or something.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

You "heard" wrong...where do you get your information from?

Nobody voted for NARCISSIST or PSYCHOPATH. If they did, I would have contacted Wolfgang Weiss and congratulated him by his real name once and again using one of his many aliases. He and himself could alternate his (their?) appearances at CCO meetings and really be on the way to attaining some of the overstated power or influence he imagines or hopes to have.

There were just under fifty votes. There were almost a dozen names written in. I "won". I have yet to make an "official statement" or get a consensus of the election results by talking to all of the people whose names were written in to determine their desire to actually participate any further.

By the rules, there is no regular meeting scheduled until June 4th.

-Mike Foulks

P.S. Thanks for all the kind words about my letter to the editor published recently in the Tribune. Your support is very encouraging. It a shame that some jealously see this as "reason" to ridicule and motivates them to attack me personally. Perhaps if they did more real work helping cabdrivers they'd get the results and recognition they obviously crave and can't stand for others to have.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

When you're not so busy defending your abject foolishness and absolute ineptitude in almost everything except bad-mouthing and dis-ing people, post the ******* results of the ******* bull**** election.

I heard there were only two votes, one for the NARCISSIST and one for the PSYCHOPATH.

At least the other organizations that you love to deride and ridicule have real board members and plans and objectives.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Defending my Foulks' Foolishness

Preliminary actions for those recognizing satanic activity in relation to themselves:

Immediately reject any and all types of “unnatural insights” whether they occur in a dream or while in a waking state or behind the wheel of your taxicab.

Such insights commonly originate in the occult and are of satanic origin.

Such insights may refer to a past, present or future events. They are intended to “seem worthy with resultant enhancement of self-esteem.”

Eventually these “evil spirits” giving these insights, feelings, or “seeing” of auroras will seek full control over a captivated person’s being.

Such possessions or manifestations frequently occur to those who have used or participated in the following:


When one begins honestly trying to live the demon-free life, one MUST break with all evil influences that one has accepted in one's life.

This would include all organized occult behavior. Many of these things are presented as games or midway attractions at a county fair, but they're actually “portals of access” for the attack of one or more devils!

It may have been years since one was involved but until it is recognized as evil, publicly acknowledged, and absolved with proper penance, the doors remain open for evil's entry.

Many people never know that the games they were involved with as children are portals of evil that will make their lives miserable and drag them down to hell in the end.

It is not enough to say that you never did it yourself. To be aware that any of these things are being done and not to say something against it is to give tacit approval by your presence. Such failure not only jeopardizes your chances of success in any undertakings, but also your own body, mind and soul.

To get started, disassociate from drugs, alcohol, tobacco, illicit sex, pornography.

Terminate association with any of the following and similar organizations (in alphabetical order so as not to offend!): Amaranth, ARDC, AUPDA, B'ani B'rith, Baptists, Boy Scouts of America, Catholics, CCO, Cecil Rhodes Scholars, CIA , City of Chicago, Cook County, CPD, CPTDA, Democrats, DeMolay, Eastern Star, FBI, Freemasonry, Girl Scouts of America, House of Representatives, IBI, Illuminati, International Tri-lateral Commission, Irish Republican Army, Job's Daughters, KGB, Knights of Columbus, Nazis, Order of the Rainbow for Girls, the Pentagon, Protestants, Republicans, Satanism, Scottish Rite, Students for a Democratic Society, Secret Service, the Senate, Shriners of North America, Skinheads International, Skull and Bones, Stasi, State of Illinois, UTCC, Wicca, World Bank, WTO, York Rite, Zionists, and ALL other Secret Societies.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Hey Mikey!

I checked this "Loki LaMat" out for you. You are going to freak. This is bad. Very bad.

"Loki" is "The Father of Fools" in Norse mythology. Very bad. evil incarnate.

"Le Mat" is from French legend and literature translated to English it is "The Fool" related to the character on the tarot cards, which symbolizes unbridled, uncouth youth; numerically "Zero" or "Null" the position between positive and negative forces, at the balance between good and evil. Very bad. A very bad sign.

According to a tarot card reading of the events referred to herein, you have the following in, around, above, below, about and following you everywhere:

Acham - the demon of Thursday; Alrinach - demon of tranpostation wrecks; Anamalech - the demon of bad news; Andras - the demon of discord; Aquiel - the demon of Sunday; Arachula - evil spirit in the air; Ardad - demon that leads travelers astray; Ascaroth - demon of spies and informers; Asmodeus (aka Abaddon) is The Destroyer; Astaroth - one of the Chief Devils; Bechet - the demon of Friday; Braathwaate - demon of Ignorance; Bucon - the demon of Hatred; Byleth - one of the Kings of Hell; Cheitan - demon born of Smoke; Legassa - demon of Hypocrisy; Tenebrion - Spirit of Darkness.

I don't know (with) what you've been fooling around, but you need an exorcism or something.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

You "heard" wrong...where do you get your information from?

Nobody voted for NARCISSIST or PSYCHOPATH. If they did, I would have contacted Wolfgang Weiss and congratulated him by his real name once and again using one of his many aliases. He and himself could alternate his (their?) appearances at CCO meetings and really be on the way to attaining some of the overstated power or influence he imagines or hopes to have.

There were just under fifty votes. There were almost a dozen names written in. I "won". I have yet to make an "official statement" or get a consensus of the election results by talking to all of the people whose names were written in to determine their desire to actually participate any further.

By the rules, there is no regular meeting scheduled until June 4th.

-Mike Foulks

P.S. Thanks for all the kind words about my letter to the editor published recently in the Tribune. Your support is very encouraging. It a shame that some jealously see this as "reason" to ridicule and motivates them to attack me personally. Perhaps if they did more real work helping cabdrivers they'd get the results and recognition they obviously crave and can't stand for others to have.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

When you're not so busy defending your abject foolishness and absolute ineptitude in almost everything except bad-mouthing and dis-ing people, post the ******* results of the ******* bull**** election.

I heard there were only two votes, one for the NARCISSIST and one for the PSYCHOPATH.

At least the other organizations that you love to deride and ridicule have real board members and plans and objectives.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Defending my Foulks' Foolishness

Never mind the "... disassociate from drugs, alcohol, tobacco, illicit sex, pornography."

If you participate in any of the above, keep up the good work!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Defending my Foulks' Foolishness

Mike Foulks wrote:

"Thanks for all the kind words about my letter to the editor published recently in the Tribune. Your support is very encouraging. It a shame that some jealously see this as "reason" to ridicule and motivates them to attack me personally. Perhaps if they did more real work helping cabdrivers they'd get the results and recognition they obviously crave and can't stand for others to have."

Motivation? Mike, I do it just for the pure psychopathic pleasure.