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Re: Re: Re: Re: the will of the poeple

Mr. Steve Kim of the UTCC has posed Valid questions. No valid answers from Mike?

How about some answers ( just the facts ) Mr. Mystery President of a Mystery (dis) Organization:

"DEMOCRACY discerns the WILL of the taxi DRIVERS by a common voting procedure such as:

1) Individual voter registration and qualification.Who control this procedure? Was it you or someone else?
2) Opening the Election for a set time period.It was cleare in your procedure. But who set of this procedure? Was it you or someone else?
3) Registration of voters at established voting locations.Who registrate of voters as a cco member? Was it done by you or someone else?
4) Distribution of ballots with preset candidates, issues, and choices (including the write-in option in some cases).Who contol this procedure? Was it you or someone else?
5) Selection of preferred choices (often in secret, called a secret ballot).How voters know who is a preferred choices without any printed information who are they, an their thought?
6) Secure collection of ballots for unbiased counting. What kinds of secure colletion of ballots were? Who control of secure procedure? Was it you or someone else?
7) Proclamation of the will of the voters as the will of the people for their organization.Who proclaim for this process?"

So far all we have is the WILL of the Foulks.

May we have the Price-Waterhouse-Coopers envelope, please....

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Replying to:

Luke Miskof,

Sorry, Luke, but I'll answer any question put to me.

I think your charges of "meaningless banter" are more appropriately directed towards Wolf Wiess and others.

I will not ignore or back down from their lies, confusion, or personal insults.

I can take the high road and play in the mud too.

What question would you like me to answer, Luke Miskof?

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:

mr f only answers questions that he thinks will benefit him and detract from the person he is asking or one or more of his favorite whipping boy victims of wrath

he likes to build himself up by tearing others down

the real issues are lost in waves of meaningless banter inappropriate challenges personal bias and trash none of which qualifies as intelligent discourse by any stretch of the imagination except of course in mr f's mind gone wild

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Replying to:

sounds like what ur saying is you want mike f to answer ur questions but you don't want to respond to any of his.

wadn't this site supposed to be about talkin' about different ideas to improve stuff?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: the will of the poeple


I posted answers to Steve Kim already. Do you have a copy of the CCO Articles of Organization or not?

How many elections of the nature you are suggesting did the "CPTDA" have in the last five years?

You are, at least, some kind of hypocrite.

All ballots for CCO are "open" and a matter of reviewable record.

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:

Mr. Steve Kim of the UTCC has posed Valid questions. No valid answers from Mike?

How about some answers ( just the facts ) Mr. Mystery President of a Mystery (dis) Organization:

"DEMOCRACY discerns the WILL of the taxi DRIVERS by a common voting procedure such as:

1) Individual voter registration and qualification.Who control this procedure? Was it you or someone else?
2) Opening the Election for a set time period.It was cleare in your procedure. But who set of this procedure? Was it you or someone else?
3) Registration of voters at established voting locations.Who registrate of voters as a cco member? Was it done by you or someone else?
4) Distribution of ballots with preset candidates, issues, and choices (including the write-in option in some cases).Who contol this procedure? Was it you or someone else?
5) Selection of preferred choices (often in secret, called a secret ballot).How voters know who is a preferred choices without any printed information who are they, an their thought?
6) Secure collection of ballots for unbiased counting. What kinds of secure colletion of ballots were? Who control of secure procedure? Was it you or someone else?
7) Proclamation of the will of the voters as the will of the people for their organization.Who proclaim for this process?"

So far all we have is the WILL of the Foulks.

May we have the Price-Waterhouse-Coopers envelope, please....

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Replying to:

Luke Miskof,

Sorry, Luke, but I'll answer any question put to me.

I think your charges of "meaningless banter" are more appropriately directed towards Wolf Wiess and others.

I will not ignore or back down from their lies, confusion, or personal insults.

I can take the high road and play in the mud too.

What question would you like me to answer, Luke Miskof?

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:

mr f only answers questions that he thinks will benefit him and detract from the person he is asking or one or more of his favorite whipping boy victims of wrath

he likes to build himself up by tearing others down

the real issues are lost in waves of meaningless banter inappropriate challenges personal bias and trash none of which qualifies as intelligent discourse by any stretch of the imagination except of course in mr f's mind gone wild

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Replying to:

sounds like what ur saying is you want mike f to answer ur questions but you don't want to respond to any of his.

wadn't this site supposed to be about talkin' about different ideas to improve stuff?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: the will of the wacko

You're mixing apples with oranges.

Your inane question is indicative of your ignorance.

Name calling, like flattery, will get you nowhere.

You're just a fountain of "monkey see monkey" these days.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: the will of the wacko

I'm sorry,

I forgot...the CPTDA publicized all these wonderful-sounding positions but couldn't get any cabdrivers interested to fill them, so you conveniently became a no-membership based organization.

Apples? Oranges? Monkeys?

The CPTDA is a one-banana, two-banana bunch of nobodies (except you, Wise Wolf-Who-Sues-City-And-Loses!)

You're the Alpha-Ape. Who's your Betty? Raja or Diane?

The CPTDA without Steve Wiedersberg is like ice cream without ice or cream.

Deal with it, Wolf-Jack.

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:

You're mixing apples with oranges.

Your inane question is indicative of your ignorance.

Name calling, like flattery, will get you nowhere.

You're just a fountain of "monkey see monkey" these days.

"Luke Miskof" is almost certainly Wolf Weiss using yet another alias...

"Luke Miskof" is almost certainly Wolf Weiss using an alias.

"Luke Miskof" is an anagram of "Mike fouLks".

Cute, Wolf-butt.

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:

mr f only answers questions that he thinks will benefit him and detract from the person he is asking or one or more of his favorite whipping boy victims of wrath

he likes to build himself up by tearing others down

the real issues are lost in waves of meaningless banter inappropriate challenges personal bias and trash none of which qualifies as intelligent discourse by any stretch of the imagination except of course in mr f's mind gone wild

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Replying to:

sounds like what ur saying is you want mike f to answer ur questions but you don't want to respond to any of his.

wadn't this site supposed to be about talkin' about different ideas to improve stuff?