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I didn't bribe anybody to vote for me, though a well-known "wino" indeed did vote for me in the first CCO election...he had a current chauffeur's license and a current lease.

Ask Steve Wiedersberg about it. He was supposed to cast one of his two votes for him.

Wolf, you are the Doctor Come Louder of "B.S." and an expert on posting with aliases. I defer you your authority, and your authority, and your authority, and your authority, and your authority, and your authority, etc.

Stay away from fires you can't put out until you bring using some "water", Wolf-flame.

-Mike Foulks, who has a belly-button and a human brain.

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Replying to:

There is nothing LESS DEMOCRATIC than Mikey, accept his appointing himself and staging a fake election with blank ballots and bribing people to vote.

Hey, did I get a vote? A gave a wino a big bottle Old Rebel Yell.

Of course everyone has the right to use a pen name or handle and there is no "secrecy" or hiding" or "hypocrisy" by not posting one's real name or title of any organization one may be involved with.

That's one of those "non-logical argument" ie., BS of the highest order.

There is no "obvious hypocrisy" other than Foulks trying to pretend he is a human being.

Trying to have a discussion here is like throwing gasoline on fire to try to put it out.

Re: Re: Re: nothing LESS DEMOCRATIC

OK Mr, Foulks, you have proven beyond any doubt that you are a prime candidate for hospitalization in a locked ward -- for you own good!

These postings – obvious to even a non medical professional -- are the output of a person suffering from an OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER.

This is very real debilitative and destructive illness, not just wise remarks or flagrantly abusive commentary.

These postings do not further the cause or provide insight to any of the issues at hand, other than the issue of “one of our own” in deep distress.

When you allow this kind of extremely excessive behavior, you no longer have a "DISCUSSION FORUM, but rather a VOMITORIUM.

We, on this forum sadly can not help this poor demented, tortured soul. I would hope that common sense and decency prevail – must prevail.

It is very saddening for me, personally to see this. I have seen mental illness of this type destroy a very close and true friend.

And I have seen proud and brave men – decorated soldiers who withstood and survived the worst horrors of war one can live through -- succumb to the devils and demons in their heads.

I am hereby abstaining from any further comments regarding Mr. Foulks and his alleged organization.

Mike, I am truly sorry. Please get help.

--Wolfgang J. Weiss—

Save it, Wolf-Gong


If you truly believe that I am a "prime candidate for hospitalization in a locked ward", it is you whose mental state needs observing.

Shame on you for using the very real world of mentally ill people in a failed attempt to ridicule or belittle me, someone who simply disagrees with you on political issues or events.

"Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder"? Wolf, it seems that you can't help yourself when you schizophrenically post remarks under many different aliases.

Are you sure that you aren't the one who needs medical attention?

I know for a fact that you suffer from verbal diarrhea.

When you use "we", Wolf, who are you referring to? You and yourself?

Mental illness won't destroy me, Wolf, don't worry. Sorry to hear about your friend.

There are no "devils and demons" in my head, Wolf. Are there any in yours we should know about?

"I am hereby abstaining from any further comments regarding Mr. Foulks and his alleged organization." -Wolf Weiss

If I could only believe this to be true, Wolf. Let me help you by saying that you don't have to quit your abberrant behavior permanently, just each time you get the urge.

Practice right now. See if you can abstain from responding to this current comment from mine. It's not as hard as it seems. Just don't hit "Post Message".

It gets easier with time, Wolf, trust me.

-Mike Foulks

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Replying to:

OK Mr, Foulks, you have proven beyond any doubt that you are a prime candidate for hospitalization in a locked ward -- for you own good!

These postings – obvious to even a non medical professional -- are the output of a person suffering from an OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER.

This is very real debilitative and destructive illness, not just wise remarks or flagrantly abusive commentary.

These postings do not further the cause or provide insight to any of the issues at hand, other than the issue of “one of our own” in deep distress.

When you allow this kind of extremely excessive behavior, you no longer have a "DISCUSSION FORUM, but rather a VOMITORIUM.

We, on this forum sadly can not help this poor demented, tortured soul. I would hope that common sense and decency prevail – must prevail.

It is very saddening for me, personally to see this. I have seen mental illness of this type destroy a very close and true friend.

And I have seen proud and brave men – decorated soldiers who withstood and survived the worst horrors of war one can live through -- succumb to the devils and demons in their heads.

I am hereby abstaining from any further comments regarding Mr. Foulks and his alleged organization.

Mike, I am truly sorry. Please get help.

--Wolfgang J. Weiss—