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Re: Ola-CCO-If you knew Ola like I know Ola, bot, what a gal!

Does Ola have long ears? It hard to tell with invisibles.

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I guess we're just all just pretend. Hello Hello
Heres a nice joke---There was a large meeting of CCO drivers at a high priced restaurant. The hostess called out to the busboy that was preparing the table for the feast and used these words: Party of one!

I was standing nearby and told the hostess of her mistake. Ola is the invisable man and he needs a place at the table. Her reply was that at least the Pres wasn't diningwith a blow up doll this time. She gladly set the extra place at the table for Ola. Almost all know Ola. Hello Hello!

According to the waitress.......

According to the waitress Long Ears ordered an extra helping of carrots for Ola. She was instructed by the pres. to just say Hello Hello when addressing Ola!

Re: According to the waitress.......

Why wasn't I invited? We still would have only needed two chairs. One for the Pres. and the other for Ola. Ola is like Casper, he doesn't really even need one. I just hope Ola has been a good boy and is living up to his name!

Re: Re: According to the waitress.......

maybe Ola is a 6 foot invisible rabbit

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Why wasn't I invited? We still would have only needed two chairs. One for the Pres. and the other for Ola. Ola is like Casper, he doesn't really even need one. I just hope Ola has been a good boy and is living up to his name!