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I pledged DST in college ('95) and I have decided not to associate myself with the sorority anymore for most of the reasons cited in earlier posts. Really, I had to look no further than the Delta Mitzpah (I don't pray in "Delta's precious name"), the ritual books (Minerva is protecting the pledgees) and the National Anthem ("with glowing hearts we praise thee" / "and our souls to rapture raise") not to mention the Omega Omega ceremony symbolically committing our souls to the great eternal Delta Chapter. Jesus will not be in that chapter, why would I want to be there???

I wish I could quote directly, but I have rid my home of all DST paraphernalia as well as the doctrine.

I get that people want to unite with others in service, but the ritual books clearly state that all service is done in the name and to the credit of DST, to bring honor and praise to the sorority. And yet the Bible lets us know that things done without pure motives will not be recognized eternally (1 Cor. 3:13). Why do things that will only bring temporary glory to DST when you can do things that honor Christ eternally? It just doesn't make sense.

One of the reasons Jesus was so hated in the world was because he came to destroy secret societies and hierarchies and the worship of gods. In fact, one of the reasons Paul was so hated in his time was because he taught people they didn't need to keep buying little trinkets and idol-worshipping symbols. They were already mad because Christ came to destroy the boundaries - it didn't help that the gospel also hurts the economy! But nobody's mad about that except the enemy.

If you're a young lady thinking about pledging, let me just say: You don't need to pay hundreds of dollars annually to be in a sorority to serve mankind. If you're looking for sisters, connect with sisters in Christ. He is the source of true love, His spirit (not Minerva's) lives forever and lives inside the true believers. You can get the same experiences with other non-profit organizations that do not try to mix Christianity with Greek gods and secret-society practices. Will you get to wear a t-shirt with Greek letters and participate in step shows? No. But if you're pledging just to say "I'm a Delta" or "I'm an AKA" and to step, I will advise you to find out who you are in Christ and wear HIS name humbly and praise Him alone.

One last reason that people say they're pledging is for the networking benefits. Again, if you're joining ANY service organization (whether it's a sorority or a megachurch) for the "What's in it for me?" factor, check your motives. First seek His Kingdom (Matt. 6:33). God is the One who brings promotion to His people anyway.

I don't think that people who are in sororities are evil. I think they are misinformed and content to mix societal norms with Christianity. Or they may be naive enough to think that every group that claims to be "founded on Christian principles" is actually about Jesus. I've seen business groups and pyramid schemes run this same way, unfortunately. Many potential pledgees are young, looking for connections. Make no mistake: it's the very clever work of the enemy to take some of the most promising young people and divert their attention and dedications to sororities during some of their most productive years. Financially speaking, some have spent their summers working to earn the money to pledge, and just want to be a part of something historical and bigger than themselves. But Delta is only 101 years old, sweetheart. The fellowship of brothers and sisters in Christ is thousands of years old and will outlast DST and every other GLO.

In His Love,


Thanks Michelle, I really appreciate your testimony.

God Bless You,



Wow, you message is awesome!

I would like to connect with you. How do I do that?



Just call me MArcus, 919/278-8911 (I don't answer unknown calls, so you would have to leave a message if you did)