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GLO's Exposed Discussion Forum
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Once you come to the knowledge of the truth concerning these orgs and their rituals, THERE IS NO EXCUSE! If you are a Christian your mindset should be: whether they haze or not, whether they do community service or not, they still have ungodly rituals.

All of the "divine" nine have incorporated false gods into their rituals.

God will not tell you to get into a covenant with an org that claims a false god as a supreme being and force in their org (standing in His place) just to minister to those within the org.

Some try to say, "well the church also has sinners, and gays, and this, and that" but the Christian chuch does not have ungodly rituals---if you think so then take that up with God (as if He's going to change His Word). Better said, b/c people will find something to say against that, our "handbook" does not give honor to false gods.

Greeks come here to justify their orgs and their orgs rituals, they say that Min. Hatchett and every Christian who does not agree with their rituals are twisting scriptures, but yet each of the BGLOs have taken scriptures and changed them to fit their ideas of what it should say for their org (the Word in itself should have fit their org for orgs who claim to be founded on Christian principles) (things were added and deleted) the last couple of scriptures in Revelations tells us not to do this and why not to.

Christians decisions should not be influenced by non-Christians--not to sound rude, but how can you get GODLY wisdom and advice from a Muslim, Jehovah's Witness or whoever (no disrespect). Many people of other religions have tried to tell Christians that it's okay for them to join a BGLO---not if you check the scriptures in the Holy Bible. But let your faith be not in the wisdom of any man,but in the power of God. Take advice into consideration but let God have the final say.

And greeks if you want to justify and compromise the things posted above, I will post things word for word--no disrespect, but I will not not minister to God's people for the sake of an organization, what about you?

Christians are encouraged to ask God to help you to HEAR from Him, then to ACCEPT AND OBEY what He says. This means that we must put aside our own self-wills and desires so that we may hear clearly from God (and stop being confused about the pros/cons of man's opinions). If we don't pray that God will help us to set aside our self-wills and desires to HEAR, ACCEPT, AND OBEY Him, then we may mistake our desires for His will (thinking that God is saying one thing when it's really our own desires compromising).

Remember, when you die God is not going by our own self-deception but by His Word!

And that's real!!!

God bless you all (all genders, races, ages, religions)
Let God be glorified (w/o force b/c no matter what, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord)

Re: The TRUTH and the RITUALS

Me you say-"Christians are encouraged to ask God to help you to HEAR from Him, then to ACCEPT AND OBEY what He says. This means that we must put aside our own self-wills and desires so that we may hear clearly from God (and stop being confused about the pros/cons of man's opinions). If we don't pray that God will help us to set aside our self-wills and desires to HEAR, ACCEPT, AND OBEY Him, then we may mistake our desires for His will (thinking that God is saying one thing when it's really our own desires compromising).

Remember, when you die God is not going by our own self-deception but by His Word!

And that's real!!!

God bless you all (all genders, races, ages, religions)
Let God be glorified (w/o force b/c no matter what, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord)"

Me- Once again you are trying to convince everyone to believe the way you do with the incentive of "if you don't do what I say, then God is going to get you." I hope that you do not take this the wrong way but b/c apparently you would make a GLO your God does not mean that every other christian have or will. You do err in trying to make other christians "less holy than you" because they do not espouse the exact same beliefs as you.

Re: The TRUTH and the RITUALS

All I'm going to say on this forum is what I"ve said somewhere before...

If you are right with God, and in a BGLO, you will live eternally.
If you aren't right with God, and in a BGLO, you will burn.

Shalom. Amen.

Unless the Holy Spirit convicts me otherwise,
Yours in Christ,
a greek wannabe

Instant Messenger: pimpinole,4

Re: The TRUTH and the RITUALS

Me- Once again you are trying to convince everyone to believe the way you do with the incentive of "if you don't do what I say, then God is going to get you." I hope that you do not take this the wrong way but b/c apparently you would make a GLO your God does not mean that every other christian have or will. You do err in trying to make other christians "less holy than you" because they do not espouse the exact same beliefs as you.

1omegaman, 1 I am telling them what's in the rituals, being lead by the Holy Spirit using the Word that's been put in me in my response, and 2 regardless of what I say, my point is whether they believe me or not--consult with God on whether these things are true or not and if they are a problem. So no matter what I say, whether I'm for or against I encourage all to seek God. YOu know this b/c I told you before. I thought we made this clear. I won't be direct, but I think you're just trying to be slick.

God bless you anyway,
LEt God be glorified