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GLO's Exposed Discussion Forum

This is the forum area where you can discuss topics related to the Biblical exposure of Greek organizations. All posts are reviewed; if they are offensive they'll be deleted. 

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GLO's Exposed Discussion Forum
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Mission Statement- "Support Us" Link Now Active

Mission Statement- "Support Us" Link Now Active
PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would greatly appreciate any offering to push forward the agenda in the mission statement and additional statements made on the "support us" link.

Thank-You!!!!!!!! When donating, please leave as much information as possible.

Mission Statement:

Reprove, Rebuke, and Restore Ministries, Inc.
( RRRM) is a CHRIST-CENTERED organization, designed to create a CHRIST-CULTURE, dedicated to the salvation of the sinners and retention of them as saints, the deliverance of the Christian from secret societies, and EXPOSING GLO'S to the Biblical Worldview. This will be done using their secret information, research, publications, documentraries, live and recorded presentations, and joint ventures, thereby setting up a globally united Christian Voice of oppostion to Greek-Lettered Organizations and other secret societies.