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Re: am i banned

It's defo not OK for that to be happening Hall, like Laurie says is there anyone you can talk to that you know?

Re: am i banned

ive had a **** day and battered i have a ****ty life

I'm sorry to hear this. No one has any right to hurt you or batter you. Is there someone you can tell about this?

Re: am i banned

every day is ****. my mum and dad took my sisters and left me with my gran who beats me heres something for u 2 laugh about a group of girls take the **** out of me at school

Re: am i banned

I am really sorry to hear that, that is awful and i dont think its something for us to laugh about we are here to support you and will not judge you in any way, have you spoken to your school about this?

keep your head up bud.

we are here to help

Re: am i banned

cum on there girls they get away with it. do u really want me 2 say a group of girls are takin the **** out of me im already the laughin stock of the school as it is

Re: am i banned

every day is ****. my mum and dad took my sisters and left me with my gran who beats me heres something for u 2 laugh about a group of girls take the **** out of me at school

Hi Hall,
I am really sorry to hear about this. Your parents should not have left you with someone who beats you. It's not ok for any one to beat you. Have you ever thought about getting someone to help you make her stop this? You do have rights and depending on your age, and whatever services there are near you, there are possibly some things you can do to make this stop.

Do you know that you can get a solicitor or lawyer at any age? A solicitor can advice you of your rights and tell you what options you have. Some organisations have youth workers, mediators or young advocates that can sometimes help with rights.

I also think it's wrong that a group of girls are so unkind to you. It's just not right. I know it would be difficult for a young man to tell on girls so I'm not going to suggest that. Instead, can I suggest that you try to ignore them? It's not easy but if you can find a way of ignoring them I suspect that they will soon stop. They are probably trying to get a reaction out of you. If you can ignore them and avoid them for a while, then hopefully they will soon get fed up.

I hope your day gets better

Re: am i banned

i do ignore them i hit 1 of them once she was in my face and i lost it. i got in loads of **** for it. There is no 1 else no 1 else can put up with me my gran dont want me

Re: am i banned

How old are you Hall?

One day you'll be independent.

What is it that makes people unable to put up with you?

Re: am i banned

i dunno. 12

Re: am i banned

12 is a tough age to be sure!

Have you tried chatting with guidance at school? They're not always the best but can be handy just for someone to talk to about some stuff?

Re: am i banned

Hey Hall,

Do you have any other family around that you could go and stay with for a little while to give you time to think things through? Aunts? Uncles? Or even friends?

Re: am i banned

no 1 likes me in my family i stay with people i no some times

Re: am i banned

It's good you've got somewhere else to stay sometimes. Can you talk to them about what's happening at your grans and at school?