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Re: Anyone there

Am I succeeding in gaining a smile? even if its just a little one?

Re: Anyone there

Re: Anyone there

Re: Anyone there

Yes thankyou lou. i have to go for my bath now. i will be back later

Re: Anyone there

Ok lovely. Speak soon.

Re: Anyone there

You still here lou?

Re: Anyone there

Someone talk to me

Re: Anyone there

Hey kiki. How you doing today bud?

Re: Anyone there

hey there kdog. im having a really tough time. The last couple of days have been hard. Im feeling really really lonely do u want to chat with me

Re: Anyone there

Ye sure I'd be happy to :)

Do you wanna email me? I'll warn you before hand though sometimes it takes me a while to reply! But I'll try my best ;)

Re: Anyone there

ok i will email. Am i allowed though because i did email laurie but she doesnt reply to me

Re: Anyone there

She must not be getting them but you've got mine :)

Re: Anyone there

Hi people!

I'm Daisy just posting on here to let you know who I am and say hi! But just to warn you I'm pretty rubbish with keeping up with things, especially since I'm used to an iPhone letting me know when people want to speak to me! But I will try my best to come on here and see what people are posting!

I'm a volunteer at 18U :)

Hi! Hope your feeling better Kiki? And great idea with the cheesy songs Lou! Got to love a cheesy song!

Re: Anyone there

hello daisy i like your name it is a pretty name. i am going to remember it and when i have a baby when i am older i am going to call it daisy. i have to go to school today. I had yesterday off. i was very ill but wasnt really but my mum worked it out so shes making me go today

Re: Anyone there

Hey everyone!

I'm Zoe. Kiki I'm sorry you've not been feeling so good lately, hope you're feeling better now! Lou that was a really good idea to post those songs and so thoughtful! They made me smile anyway!
I love the songs especially the bewitched one.
Here's another cheesy one from back in 2000.


Kiki, Lou, K-Dog and Daisy are all really cool names, I like them.

If anyone wants to chat to me we can chat on here or by email :)


Re: Anyone there

Hello zoe

Re: Anyone there

thats it **** me wont u. all u girls stick together and ******* blank me well **** u all

Re: Anyone there

You need to start being nice to people and use kind words. no body will talk to you when you talk like that

Re: Anyone there

Thanks Kiki I love my name and a lot of people say they like it too! It's a nice name for a future baby, I've never had anyone not like my name and I love having it, I think it must be annoying if you have a name you don't really like, my dad changed his name as he was called wilf! And he really didn't like that name!

I'm sorry you feel like people are ignoring you hall, I haven't looked through all the posts on here to reply to many, I'm just getting used to it, but you should try not to get yourself so angry at people as they don't mean to make you feel ignored,. I know certainly didn't! But I will try look out for if your wanting to speak about anything! And it's also okay to feel angry some time!

Re: Anyone there

lol wilf

Re: Anyone there

I'm not coming on here again. Its not a nice place to be