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Re: Rio Reunion Party.

Re Sean French
No disrespect intended to the legendary Sean French
who gave us many great nights at The Rio.
We are hoping this will the first of future Rio
nights ,We would love Sean to be involved in the next one, Shaun G will make contact as soon as next date is set and try to arrange
Would be GREAT to see Sean again.
Best Regards to all
Chris D Smith

Re: Rio Reunion Party.

Hi Shaun,

Really looking forward to the Reunion night! Got a group of ten coming along for a good girlie night.

I've also left a message on your email address - please reserve me the ten tickets.
Soulful Regards
Rozy L

Re: Rio Reunion Party.

Hi Shaun,

My girls & I just can't wait for the Rio Reunion bash - what a fantastic line up of DJ's for the evening. We'll be there early - don't want to miss a thing!
Thanks for the tickets - I know they're selling fast.
Cheers & look forward to seeing you on the 29th!
Janey G


Re: Rio Reunion Party.

Hi There,
We only have a handful of tickets left,so if you are thinking of coming please be quick.
There is a great buzz builing about this event!!
C U There,


Re: Rio Reunion Party.

Great news, should be an excellent night - I'll be in touch for tickets!

Re: Rio Reunion Party.

Hi There, We are now sold out of tickets,there will be no entry on the door, thanks to all who are coming, see you there!!!

Soulful regards

Re: Rio Reunion Party.

Just like to say a big thank you to everyone that made the Rio Reunion such a great evening, great atmosphere with everybody right up for a good party,and a bar sooo cheap it was like original Rio prices,sore heads and great memories,we will be back!!!

Soulful Regards
Shaun Gallagher.
p.s that will be the 40th time Chris Brown has done the Rio, which made him a great choice to headline the event.