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Re: X-DST's Influencing Aspirant. Minerva Worship?????

Responses to a Christian Delta’s defense against ungodliness

A. Bending God’s Standards to fit in with Carnal Standards

•“…but let’s be real, the youth these days are out of control. We want them to be abstinent but we know that they are still having sex so we make sure they are at least being safe.” DivaQuay

God never tolerated a compromise of holiness in the Bible. The entire Old Testament attests to how God punished the conciliation of ungodly standards with His righteousness in the countless examples of the children of Israel being in bondage, rebelling and being punished. If you cannot uphold God’s standards fearlessly in the face of popular carnality, then you are double-minded and two-faced if you call yourself a Christian.

Fornication is as unholy now as it was when Jesus walked the Earth. He never told the woman at the well to, “wrap it up”, if she was going to keep on fornicating. He told the woman caught in adultery to go and sin no more. Why should today’s Christian message conform to safe sex if Christ’s never did? (Rhetorical). If an organization is to exemplify the pure standards of God’s Kingdom, there is no compromise, regardless of how pressing the reality of immorality is. Noah, building the Ark, shows a great example of how his devotion to God superseded what “everybody else” was thinking. Going with the majority is a sure way to the broad road of destruction. Broad denotes that many people go that way so the road has to be expansive in order to accommodate the masses. If you preach safe sex and abstinence then you are mixing truth and lies, and a drop of poison in a clear glass of water defects the entire glass; the water’s purity has been compromised. One drop of poison is all it takes to kill. A true Christian doesn’t care what the times dictate, because the gates of hell cannot go against the God’s Truth.

B. Ministers cannot save you, including MLK: Hero Worship and Groupthink

•“I come from a long line of ministers and neither of us see the problem.” DivaQuay

It is important to view ministers in a proper manner. Too much reliance on what the preacher says or does can lead to a slippery slope of hero worship and can lead right to the broad road. Hero worship comes in all forms, but it is important to know that all men must work out their salvation with fear and trembling, according to Philippians. Good works, including the changing of civil rights legislation, is not the end all answer for godliness, and it certainly should not be the criteria for judging the carnality and spiritual compromise of BGLOs. The only Hero to worship is Christ and Christ alone. He, unlike MLK and other preachers/ministers (even those with legacy), went to Calvary and died for our souls. Obedience is better than sacrifice; obeying God supersedes all acts of community sacrifice, even the most monumental ones. If God dictates that idolatry is a sin (among other BGLO offenses), then it doesn’t matter if MLK agrees or disagrees with it, or any other preacher for that matter, because God saying it should be absolute enough.

If a preacher has flawed theology (MLK), this is definitely a red flag, no matter how great his sacrifice to community was or is…Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light. There is an explicit connection between Satan disguising himself as an angel of light and the broad road that leads to destruction.

Furthermore, this idea of trusting everything that a preacher says shows the very paradigm (willful blind allegiance) that makes all BGLOs weak. When I denounced, I realized that I was thinking opposite of the BGLO masses, but thinking alike is what gives these organizations their strength. There is a fine line between fellowship and groupthink. Groupthink has the ability to perpetuate corruption and manipulation (particularly of Christ’s gospel) and in the case of BGLOs this is what is happening.

“I am the bomb as long as I go along, so I will continue to go along because I desperately want to be the bomb and until I rebel, this org will stay strong, even when I know things are wrong…” AE

Ministers can’t save you; they cannot get you into heaven! Blessed is the man who trusts in Him(God). Jesus died for your sins and it is He who saves. While ministers have their place, they cannot debunk God’s truth; manipulation is a trick of the devil. Pastors/church lay leaders/ministers who are willingly involved in GLOs/masonry and other secret societies are infiltrators, and the blind will lead the blind if saints have no discernment. The truth is mighty and will prevail, even against sororities with over 100,000 members.

C. “Your faith, my faith”; “Your Christianity, My Christianity”

• “However, I do tell young ladies that if you feel that sorority life will compromise your beliefs as a Christian than don’t do it. It didn’t compromise mine.” DivaQuay

This is probably the biggest underscore to why the church has become so tolerant of the world’s foolishness; because the church has watered down the strength of Christ’s principles to convenient Christianity, modified to fit the particular wants and whims of their human desires. Christ’s principles are not made of clay, to be tampered with and redone, they are the same and every Christian should have the same compliance. To juxtapose this idea, we are the clay to be molded and modified, yet when it comes to going against the sin nature, some would rather change Christ’s principles to fit human objectives than to change self for the upholding of Christ’s KINGDOM standards. Furthermore, if an organization is built on Christ’s principles, then one sister’s Christian beliefs ought to parallel scripture and fellow Christian sisters should be likeminded in this regard. So, you are willing to send off a Christian sister who upholds biblical truth to be yoked with sorors whose Christian faith is compromised? This makes no sense, according to Christian unity described in the Bible. This personalized Christianity equates to a *******ized version of Christianity where there is no cohesion in the ideals presented in God’s word, just customized religion. This is why promoting other things such as safe sex, hazing, Minerva worship, and lying continues to go on and supersedes the true foundation of Christ’s principles.

D. Selfless pledge process? What a lie! Selfish Pledge Process

• “My prophytes enjoyed us sticking together because the whole pledging process is about being selfless.” DivaQuay

Is this selflessness supposed to parallel submission to Christ (facetiously rhetorical)? A Christian should really ask this question, because the purpose for submission during the pledge process is nowhere near comparable to submitting to Christ. If hazing promotes humility and strong character, then why do prophytes act like selfish tyrants? Do as I say, not as I do? Again, hypocrisy.

E.Spending money versus pledging under the shadow of a false goddess mentor.

• “If you take the dollar bill as an example. There are many references to Greek origins on it as well as George Washington’s face on the front. Are any of you Christians refusing to spend money? “ DivaQuay

Spending money is hardly comparable to the use of Minerva as a symbol in DST. But, if one should naively attempt to compare spending money to worshipping a pagan god, Jesus told the Jews to render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s…while you can worship money, using money as a resource is far different from giving your heart to money. Caesar’s face, who was a Roman pagan, was on the coin, yet Jesus knew that there was a difference in giving your heart to Caesar or his money and giving your heart to God, by whom we are fearfully and wonderfully made, in HIS image. Therefore, spending the dollar with George Washington’s face is not comparable to devoting you heart to George Washington or the symbols used unless you choose to place your heart in such things.

DST chant: “Delta’s on my mind, Sigma’s not far behind, Theta is in my soul, DST is in control.”

Unless a similar attitude prevails when spending George’s dollar, the comparison is far-fetched. It is a heart issue. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. DSTs boast about their hearts belonging to the organization, which would be fine if there weren’t false claims of morality and the organization was purely Christian; this, however, is not the case, immorality litters the organization in more ways than one. Actions, works, and deeds carried out in DST may in part appear as wholesome and moral, but the roots and covert activities need careful consideration.

F.Abraham as the Father of Faith compared to Minerva, the mentor

• “When we credit Abraham as the Father of faith does that mean we discredit Jesus whom took the ultimate leap of faith when he came to save us from our sins? I don’t think so.” DivaQuay

Abraham being the father of faith is used in Hebrews to demonstrate the type of faith Christians should have…sort of like the blind faith that members of BGLOs have towards their founders…except Christians are charged to have this type of obedient faith to Jesus Christ, not Minerva the wise mentor…

G. Conclusion

DST manipulatively re-orchestrates FIDELTY from God to their founders, who established an entire entity built upon Minerva, Masonic rituals, lofty ideals of moral supremacy, and Christian principles. And Christian Principles? Can Christ’s principles be validly placed in the same category as these?

When I divorced myself from the system, I was able to see very plainly obvious conflicts of interest with Christianity, starting with Minerva and ending with so much contradiction between what they espouse and what they do that the hypocrisy created a rank stench.

****Furthermore, I did not have to consult other members of BGLOs, ministers, civic leaders or otherwise to arrive at that conclusion. I just had to: 1) be real with God and His word, and 2) think for myself.******