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Staying Healthy - The Natural Way!
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Re: Ocular Rosacea!

OK.. I'm curious. I haven't been to any doctors for mine yet. What do the doctors have to say about it? As far as what causes it, the treatment options, etc.?It just astounds me - they can do radical brain surgery, but scratch their heads as far as rosacea??? This makes no sense to me.

Re: Acne & Rosacea

Gabrielle, I don't suffer from Rosacea myself, but my ex-boyfriend had it, strictly on his face. He was a lover of chocolate and I told him that when I eat chocolate I tend to break out. He decided to cut out his most favorite thing from his diet. He was free from an outbreak for months!!! He did go through a very stressful period and had a breakout, but it was short lived. He also tried chocolate once again and suffered another breakout. So, the bottom line is, he cut out chocolate and needs to stay free of stress. Hope this helps.

Re: Re: Acne & Rosacea

Unfortunately, that didn't work for me (staying away from chocolate).

Several years ago, I went for a period of about 4 months during which I did not eat any sugar or chocolate whatsoever. I noticed no difference at all in my skin.

Re: Re: Re: Acne & Rosacea

Sorry Gabrielle. Hope you find something to help. Have you ever tried stress reduction... like yoga... meditation?? You never know! Good luck. W.