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We are the Lone Star Voyagers a chapter of the American Voyager Association. This open forum is for the members and guest of the LSV-AVA. Please feel free to use this service. Remember this is a family riding chapter.

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Re: where does my money go? off topic

LOL!! I'm glad there are no toll roads in New Mexico. The jokers in the Roundhouse already have enough money.

Re: where does my money go? off topic

NM roads aren't crowded except with Calprunians en route to TX, so they don't "need" toll roads

Re: where does my money go? off topic

We need to get some money off of those 'calprunians'!! Maybe we should make I-10 a toll road!

Re: where does my money go? off topic

I didn't know they really called them roads in NM, Ride more than 55 mph & get shook to death.

Re: where does my money go? off topic

IMHO, NM roads have greatly improved over what they were 30ish years ago. Plus TX roads have generally deteriorated in that same time span. In 1980ish, Stevie Wonder would've known when he crossed from TX into NM.
Fracking has probably sent both states roads down the tubes.

Re: where does my money go? off topic

I am seriously considering buying a KLR to handle these New Mexico roads...