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We are the Lone Star Voyagers a chapter of the American Voyager Association. This open forum is for the members and guest of the LSV-AVA. Please feel free to use this service. Remember this is a family riding chapter.

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Re: Re: Re: Veterans' Day

Thanks to all the men and woman who back our military. We must keep America strong. Quote --THOSE WHO HAVE ENJOYED SUCH PRIVILEGES AS WE ENJOY ,FORGET IN TIME THAT MEN HAVE DIED FOR THEM..F.D.R.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Veterans' Day

HMMMMMMMM, & I thought that FDR just made dimes
But those words are soooooooooooooo true.

Ha a veterns day tribute sent as attachment to me at work....I'll get it to my home email & send it out so it can be shared with all.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Veterans' Day

We had a short Veteren's Day event at work. Those of us who were veteren's got reserved seating in the conference room and a small pin as were also allowed to charge our time at the event to the company. I was a little surprised to find out that 40% of the company's workforce were veterens.